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Adults' Services

On November 1, 1991, Westward Goals opened its doors to provide support to three individuals in a group home setting who had moved out of Michener Centre. Our agency has continued to expand, by opening up more group homes (3 persons in each home) for adults with disabilities. Support provided in this capacity would be called Residential Supports.

In addition, we provide support services and assistance to adults who live independently (called Supported Independent Living (SIL)), to the level that they require. For instance, this can include as few as 7 hours/week for some people, and as much as 40 hours/week for people with higher needs.

We also have a program called Community Access, which is an alternative to employment for adults who cannot or do not wish to work. Its focus is on recreation, leisure, and volunteer work. Staff work 1:1 with individuals accessing this program.

We also provide Employment Support (which may include assisting an individual with writing a resume, learning new skills, etc. up to working WITH them at a job site until the individual is able to perform the task on his own).

Some of our individuals also choose to live in a "Proprietorship", which means that they will live with a single/couple/family and essentially become part of that family unit, learning new skills and learning from the family environment.

Referrals for adult services come from a representative from Persons with Developmental Disabilities. Most of our individuals live in Rocky, but we do serve the Caroline, Leslieville, Condor, and Eckville area as well.

Contact people for this program are:

  • Marla Hills, Executive Director
  • Angie Duncan, Program Supervisor
  • Kim Rhoads, Program Supervisor
  • Nancy OpdenDries, Human Resources

Copyright © Westward Goals Support Services, Inc.